In 2022 we partnered with community group Color Pittsford Green to make plans for creating a Bird Harbor – an area of native plantings for food and shelter – at Great Embankment Park. And now it's ready for you to enjoy! Join us this Saturday, June 22 at 10:00am at Great Embankment Park as we cut the ribbon on Bird Harbor and our Pollinator Garden – a welcoming place for birds and pollinators and a place where you can learn more about how to help them thrive. We’ll have native planting information, some fun giveaways, and unveil some handy tips to help our pollinator friends. Volunteers from Color Pittsford Green will offer face painting and have free seedlings for attendees too. Great Embankment Park is located at 631 Marsh Road. The event is free and open to the public. We hope to see you there!